Wednesday, March 10, 2010

:D :P

The death penalty is a good deterrent for crime but i think that the death penalty should be harsher. Let me explain; the U.S. been changing methods of death penalty to make sure that the prisoner who is expiriencing the death penalty is not going to feel it or it isnt going to last long. It may sound brutal but i think that if we make the death penalty more terrifying then criminals wouldnt want to commit so many crimes. Is this so bad?

I also think that a largest weaknss in the death penalty is the cost that it takes out of the tax payers money. I did some research and the everage cost to have someone on death row each is 36,000$, and the average annual cost of capital punishment is 63.3 million dollars. This shows how much we spend to have someone killed, its costs too much.

I think that that is a load of s**t. We should not be spending more on a person to die in jail than we spend on a perosn to live outside. If anything we should have a limit to how long a person can stay in death row and not like a 25 year limit, like a 5 year limit so that they dont get alot of money spent on their capital punishment.

I was suprised to find that some states in the U.S. still use firing squad as a means of capital punichment. What also suprised me was the fact that new york state was the first state to use the chair and now we dont have a form of capital punishment now in NY state at all.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

crazy people are stupid

I think that just because she pleas insanity, she shouldnt just go to a mental hospital. She should just get the death penalty, she killed her 5 kids and... thats not good. i agree with the fact that i would never want to see her on the street. I also think that her family would do somthing about this whole situation, like give her an intervention. Personally i think that we should just ship her to vietnam and leave her in that jungle somewhere, and not south vietnam, North vietnam, so she is on the communist side. We dont need that kind of insanity here. Also she has been planning this event for a long time, thats premeditation. If she all of a sudden had a break and killed her kids, but was already insane, than she should have just went to a hospital. So my chioces of what to do with her are either vietnam or death.